1.Property service contract has the general nature of the contract, in addition, it also has its own distinctive feature.
2.and tends to embody his view with visual images. Symbolism in wide range is also a distinctive feature of his poetry.
3.A distinctive feature of Shinto architecture is the chigi, a scissor-shaped finial at the front and rear of the roof.
4.Eventually we may even come to understand the genetic basis, and adaptive significance, of their most distinctive feature, a humungous nose.
5.Their most distinctive feature is a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grow from the base of their skulls .
6.Over the past two decades, securitization has emerged as a distinctive feature of the financial system in the United States.
7.A distinctive feature of this design is the availability in a "cold" channel of a return passage.
8.Hence, without migrating to a full-blown action-based framework, it is still possible to emulate the most distinctive feature of one.
9.The distinctive feature of this load cell by comparison with the others is the ring shape of the load cell piston and diaphragm.
10.Look at the next distinctive feature, and associate it with the second item to be memorized.